Using Social Media to Attract More LGBTQ Clients

Social media can be a quick and powerful way to attract engaged same-sex couples to your wedding business. However, as with all things social media, it's really important (in fact, critical) to be authentic and to engage in conversation.

The easiest search tool with social media is hashtags. If you go to the website, you can find out what are some of the most popular LGBT weddings and marriage equality hashtags. If you already have images of LGBT weddings, pin, tweet, instagram and share those images with hashtags such as #loveislove, #lovewins, #marriageequality, #LGBTweddings and similar. Only choose hashtags which feel authentic to you and feel authentic to your voice. 

If you don't happen to have any images of same-sex couples, that's fine. Start following other people who do. Find those people by searching some of those hashtags I just named. Follow some of the people who are talking about those topics, then start to re-pin, re-gram, and re-tweet and share their content – making sure to give proper credit and adding your own hashtags, as you see fit.

Social media is a conversation and it can be a very quick way to grow your business with LGBT couples. But above all you must be authentic and use your own voice. To learn more about how social media can help you, download the FREE PDF below.